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Pistachio nuts get a mention in all Iranian literature, stories, beliefs, traditions, and rituals such as Nowruz (New Iranian Year) and Yalda festival. Iranian poets and literary figures have also referred to pistachio nuts in their works.

Day 1: Join us as we depart Tehran from the train station and head to Damghan (2 h 45 min) to participate in the Pistachio festival held annually in this ancient city, also to witness the traditions of harvesting pistachio and getting to know the locals and their culture. we will have a chance to wander in the local bazaar set for this occasion and buy fresh pistachios from farm owners.

After lunch in the traditional restaurant and check in Tourist Inn hotel, we will have time to rest for a while and in the evening we will head out to visit some of the historical sights of Damghan:

  •  Cheshmeh Ali Complex
  •  Damghan Jame Mosque
  •  Lotfi Mansion
  •  Chehel Dokhtar Tower
  •  Imamzadeh Ja’far
  •  Visit historical bazaar

Overnight in Tourist Inn Hotel

Day 2: After breakfast, we will head to train station for our return to Tehran.


Discover Green Gold of Iran with us

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